Asthma Society of Ireland

Asthma Society of Ireland

About us

The Asthma Society of Ireland is celebrating its 50th year and we want you to celebrate with us!

That’s 50 years of helping people with asthma to live fuller, healthier lives. Its 50 years of education, 50 years of advocacy, 50 years of our support services and 50 years of championing change. 

In Ireland now, there are over 380,000 people with asthma. 890,000 people will have it in their lifetime. Every 6 minutes someone with asthma is hospitalised here. And every 5 days someone in Ireland dies from asthma.

Trees are the lungs of the earth and cleaner air means we can all breathe easier.

Give the Gift of a TreeAn evergreen gift to yourself, your friends and/or family, rooting for a better future for all.

In Memory Tree: A living tribute, a legacy of love planted in Irelands ancient woodlands.

Alternavitely you can make a simple Christmas Donation by selecting your own amount, helping us continue our vital services into 2024.

These gifts will keep growing, planting hope and positive change for the future.

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